Monday 5 September 2011

Upcoming NHibernate presentations

Following on from my successful presentations at Birmingham, Manchester and Southampton I can now confirm that I am now presenting in two other regions.

Firstly I will be visiting NxtGenUg at Oxford on September 20th.

Secondly I will be visiting GL.NET at Gloucester on the 5th October.

The presentation covers:-

PART 1: Models and mappings - Shows how to model components, inheritance and collections using hbm XMLmappings

PART 2: Mapping by code - Shows how to model the same model in part 1 using the new sexy mapping by code syntax new to NHibernate 3.2. A simple console application showed how to retrieve some data.

PART 3: Sessions and transactions - Shows how NHibernate can be configured into a MVC 3 application, how a unit of work can implemented and how we can use NHProf.

PART 4: Queries - Shows how we break up a MVC 3 application into layers comprising of a Domain.Model, a service layer, a repository layer and the MVC 3 layer. The application uses Unity to achieve a loosely coupled design. NHProf is used extensively to show how we can optimise the queries. This part also covers eager loading versus lazy loading and how you should be aware of unwanted side effects.

So if anyone is interested in seeing what NHibernate 3.2 is all about including the sexy mapping by code then please book a place, see you there.

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