Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Using QueryOverProjectionBuilder with QueryOver

We all strive to keep our code DRY and sometimes we may have several QueryOver methods that returns the same DTO. This may then lead us to try and create a method that returns a SelectList to reuse in our queries. This gives us the benefit of only changing one method if for example our DTO changes.

First lets look at the QueryOver method. As you can see I have a method call named GetDtoList()
return Session.QueryOver<InvoiceDto>()

Now for the GetList method. As you can see we return a Func of QueryOverProjectionBuilder. In the code we simply build the list as we normally would and just return it:-
    QueryOverProjectionBuilder<InvoiceDto>> GetDtoList() {
    InvoiceDto dto = null;
    return list => list
      .Select(w => w.ClientName).WithAlias(() => dto.ClientName)
      .Select(w => w.InvoiceDate).WithAlias(() => dto.InvoiceDate)
      .Select(w => w.InvoiceId).WithAlias(() => dto.InvoiceId);
Pretty nice I think although the use case for this may be a little limited. The next challenge is to use this when we join to another entity i.e.
return Session.QueryOver<Invoice>()

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